Author/Editor     Marin, Jožica; Klemenc, Polona
Title     Molecular diagnostics of human herpesviruses
Translated title     Molekularna diagnostika človeških herpesvirusov
Type     članek
Source     In: Luzar B, Poljak M, Glavač D, et al, editors. Molekularna diagnostika v medicini. Zbornik 15. spominsko srečanje akademika Janeza Milčinskega, 36. memorialni sestanek profesorja Janeza Plečnika, 1. srečanje Slovenskega društva za humano genetiko z mednarodno udeležbo; 2005 30 nov - 2 dec; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 379-85
Language     eng
Abstract     Herpesvirus infections have an important role in immunocompetent, but mainly in immunocompromised hosts. It is well known that, due to their biological properties, herpesviruses establish latency and occasionally latent viruses can be reactivated after primary infection. During the reactivated state, infective viruses are released and pose a threat to uninfected individuals. The progress in diagnostic technology usually helps to distinguish active from past infection and to define reactivated virus. Methods of molecular biology try to offer precise, exact and relatively rapid virus diagnosis. In most cases, the use of both classical and molecular diagnostic procedures helps in defining herpesvirus etiology. The methods of molecular biology are inevitable in the diagnosis of herpesvirus encephalitis and meningitis. These methods enable the follow-up of viral load, they dictate the instances of antiherpesvirus chemotherapy administration, monitor the effect of antiviral drugs, and trace the eventual drug resistant viruses.
Descriptors     HERPESVIRIDAE