Avtor/Urednik | Dajčman, Davorin | |
Naslov | Možnost zmanjšanja tveganja peristomalne okužbe po perkutani endoskopski gastrostomiji | |
Prevedeni naslov | Possibility for reducing the risk of peristomal infection after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Gastroenterolog | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 9, št. 21 | |
Leto izdaje | 2005 | |
Obseg | str. 9-13 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | In the setting of acute critical care. the provision of enteral feeding is seen as therapy that reduces systemic bacterial infections, attenuates the stress response, downregulates immune response, and improves outcome for the patient. The perceived health benefits of enteral feeding have generated the idea and realisation of safe and efficient placing the feeding tube by means of endospic percutaneous gastrosto my (PEG). PEG (allows for appropriate enteral feeding which is accompanied by few complications if patients are properly monitored and taken care of. The overall success rate: for PEG with tube placement is fairly consistent at over 95% in all studies, regardless of the technique. The conventional "pull" technique at which te tube is inserted through the oral cavity, there is a significant risk of wound infection from the contaminated catheter. We present a method of per forming PEG with placing the feeding tube through flexible bakelite overtube which reduces the risk of peristomal infection after PEG. | |
Izvleček | Pri bolnikih v enotah intenzivne terapije zgodnje enteralno hranjenje manjša nevarnost sistemskih bakterijskih okužb, blaži stresni odziv organizma, zavira preobčutljivost imunskega odziva in pospešuje okrevanje. Ti ugodni učinki so spodbudili razmišljanje, kako napraviti kar najbolj varno in učinkovito kožno-želodčno stomo. Razvila se je endoskopska metoda - perkutana endoskopska gastrostomija (PEG) - ki vse bolj prevladuje. Zagotavlja primerno hranjenje in ob ustrezni oskrbi pacientov je zapletov, ki so posledica osnovnega posega, malo. Ne glede na vrsto tehnične izvedbe PEG je uspešnost posega večja od 95 %. Najbolj se je uveljavila izvedba PEG skozi usta; ker pa pri tem gastrostomski kateter povlečemo skozi ustno votlino. nastajajo peristomalne okužbe v mehkih tkivih trebušne stene. V prispevku predstavljam metodo, ki preprečuje peristomalno okužbo po PEG, s tem da za vstavljanje uporablja poseben tubus iz mehkega bakelita. In the setting of acute critical care, the provision of enteral feeding is seen as therapy that reduces systemic bacterial infections, attenuates the stress response, downregulates immune response, and improves outcome for the patient. The perceived health benefits of enteral feeding have generated the idea and reaisation of safe and efficient placing the feeding tube by means of endoscopic pcrcutaneous gastrostomy (PEC). PEG allows for appropriate enteral feeding which is accompanied by few complications if patients are properly monitored and taken care of. The overall success rate for PEG with tube placement is fairly consistent at over 95% in all studies, regardless of the technique. The conventional "pull" technique at which the tube is inserted through the oral cavity, there is a significant risk of wound infection from the contaminated catheter. We present a method of performing PEG with placing the feeding tube through flexible Bakelite overtube which reduces the risk of peristomal infection after PEG. | |