Author/Editor     Černelč, D; Lobnik-Krunič, B; Sinkovič, K; Gregorič, A; Brunčko, A
Title     14-godišnje iskustvo organizacije mediko-socijalne službe epileptičnog djeteta
Translated title     Fourteen years of experience with medico-social service for epileptic children
Type     članek
Source     Neuropsihijatrija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 22, št. 1-4
Publication year     1974
Volume     str. 155-61
Language     cro
Abstract     Authors described the organisation of the medico-social Service for Epileptic children on basis of 14 years of experiences in Children Department of Maribor. An inquiry with 31 questions about the success of medico-social service of 100 epileptic children for the age of 13 to 18 years showed the following: 13% had no attack, primary school completed 68% of Children, no prodession had 29% of children, lntellectual profession had 13% of children, other professions had 58% of children regarding of the C0mpleted Primary school; 91% of epileptic children had professional orientation and 49% of epileptic children had summer holidays.
Descriptors     EPILEPSY