Author/Editor     Trobec, Irena
Title     Povezovanje teorije s prakso - razvijanje učnih baz Visoke šole za zdravstvo Izola
Type     članek
Source     In: Horvat D, editor. Zbornik predavanj in posterjev 1. strokovnega sestanka z mednarodno udeležbo Vzpostavitev partnerskega odnosa med visokimi šolami za zdravstvo in učnimi bazami; 2005 sep 27; Izola. Izola: Visoka šola za zdravstvo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 27-30
Language     slo
Abstract     The presentation focuses on the significance of practical training executed by the students in clinical bases. The partners, important for this part of educational process, and their tasks are also presented. Mentors gain and complement their knowledge, needed for their work with the students, through additional training, organized by the school. A particular quality, from which booth partners can benefit, is the inter-personal co-operation.
Descriptors     FACULTY, NURSING