Author/Editor     Urh, Irma
Title     Kakovost kliničnih vaj v zdravstvenih zavodih
Type     članek
Source     In: Horvat D, editor. Zbornik predavanj in posterjev 1. strokovnega sestanka z mednarodno udeležbo Vzpostavitev partnerskega odnosa med visokimi šolami za zdravstvo in učnimi bazami; 2005 sep 27; Izola. Izola: Visoka šola za zdravstvo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 37-40
Language     slo
Abstract     Contribution considers professional socialization as process through which nurse trains for doing certain part of her work and develops professional identity. Practical education between schooling (clinical exercise) and vocational training during entry to medical institution (traineeship) is the key for establishment and further development of professional identity. That is why education is practical and qualifying necessary to be planed, prepared, done, controlled and valued by didactical dimensions. In continuation, factors that they influence qualities of practical education are exposed and described. Concluding thought is directed on realising, that the medical institution, that takeover of task of practical education must direct their attention to all that factors to ensure intentional professional socialization.
Descriptors     EDUCATION, NURSING