Avtor/Urednik | Juvan, Robert; Omejc, Mirko; Jelenc, Franc; Repše, Stane | |
Naslov | Rezultati operacijskega zdravljenja raka želodca v obdobju 1993-2002 | |
Prevedeni naslov | Results of the operative treatment of gastric cancer in the period 1993-2002 | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | In: Omejc M, Repše S, editors. Zbornik simpozija Kirurgija želodca - standardi in novosti; 2005 okt 13-15; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Klinični oddelek za abdominalno kirurgijo, Klinični center, | |
Leto izdaje | 2005 | |
Obseg | str. 210-6 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | Introduction: Despite incidence of gastric (GC) in Slovenia likewise in the world decreased in last three decades GC is still one of the most common cause of death of malignant disease. Despite the fact that only radical surgery is potentially curative treatment, almost one third of GC patients in Slovenia does not reach the operation. Patients and methods: Results of operative treatment are represented for 964 GC patients operated on our department in the period from 1993 to 2002. 5-year survivals were estimated by Kaplan-Meier method based on the survival data collected by Cancer Registry of Slovenia. Results: Resectabibty rate was 81,1%, potentially curative (RO) resection was done in 80,4% of all resections. Postoperative (30 days) mortality rate of all resected (RO,R1,R2) patients was 6,52% (51 /782), and 5,72% (36/629) for RO resected patients. 5-year survival of all resected (RO,R1,R2) patients was 42,2%, and for RO resected 49,8%. 5-year survival of early gastric cancer (pS 1) patients resection was 77,3%. Conclusion: In comparison with period 1988-1992 in period 1993-2002 we observe increase in 5-year survival of RO resected GC patients from 33% to 49,8% and decrease in postoperative mortality from 10% to 5,72%. | |