Author/Editor     Ocvirk, Janja
Title     Paliativna kemoterapija napredovalega karcinoma želodca
Translated title     Palliative chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer
Type     članek
Source     In: Omejc M, Repše S, editors. Zbornik simpozija Kirurgija želodca - standardi in novosti; 2005 okt 13-15; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Klinični oddelek za abdominalno kirurgijo, Klinični center,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 217-22
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Advanced gastric carcinoma is diagnosed as unresectable in more than two thirds of patients. Moreover, also the patients with resectable disease often develop metastases. The prognosis of these patients is poor and their two-year survival rate is as low as 11.5%. The recommended treatment of choice is standard treatment with ECF. The aim of our study was to compare the tretments with ECF and with ECX. Methods: The patients with advanced unresectable gastric carcinoma who have not been treated with chemotherapy were randomized into two groups, the group treated with ECF and the group treated with ECX. By the end of 2004, 50 patients were included in the trial. The treatment evaluation was made after each three completed chemotherapy cycles. Preliminary results: From July 2003 to December 2004, 50 patients (mean age 57) were randomized into two groups (ECF/ECX - 23/27, respectively). The overall survival (OS) was higher in the group treated with ECX than in that receiving ECF (64% and 45.5%, respectively). Undesired treatment effects of both groups were comparable, except for vascular complications which were more frequent in ECF group. Conclusion: From the preliminary results, it may be concluded that the chemotherapy with ECX is at least as effective the chemotherapy with ECF, yet, it causes less therapy-related complications. No sooner than from the analysis of the final results of this study, it will possible to evaluate the effect of the chemotherapy with ECX on the disease-free interval and quality of life of the patients, whereas the evaluation of an eventually longer overall survival could have been made only from the results of a larger randomized phase-IbI trial.