Avtor/Urednik     Štunf, Špela; Seme, Katja; Poljak, Mario
Naslov     Virus hepatitisa D
Prevedeni naslov     Hepatitis D virus
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 44, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 463-71
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Hepatitis D virus is one of five well-defined viruses identified as causing agents of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis D virus is a small, defective single-stranded RNA virus, which has been recently classified within the Deltavirus genus. Hepatitis D virus needs hepatitis B virus as a helper virus for its replication. It causes hepatitis only in patients who are concurrently infected with hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis D virus can cause coinfection when both viruses are transmitted simultaneously, or superinfection in those patients who are already infected with hepatitis B virus. The genome of hepatitis D virus consists of a single copy of circular 1.7-kb negative-sense single-stranded RNA. Hepatitis D virus RNA genome is the smallest known viral genome in the animal kingdom and resembles subviral plant pathogens, viroids. Our recent retrospective study in 400 HBsAg-positive individuals showed that hepatitis D is a rare disease in Slovenia. Therefore, hepatitis D virus infection should be considered a less likely cause of chronic hepatitis B exacerbations in Slovenia.
Izvleček     Virus hepatitisa D je eden izmed petih primarnih povzročiteljev virusnega hepatitisa. Je majhen, nepopoln virus, ki so ga nedavno uvrstili v rod Deltavirus. Virus hepatitisa D je satelitski virus, ki za razmnoževanje nujno potrebuje virus hepatitisa B. Zato se z njim lahko okužijo le osebe, ki so okužene z virusom hepatitisa B. Okužba z virusom hepatitisa D poteka lahko kot sočasna okužba z virusom hepatitisa B ali kot okužba kroničnega nosilca virusa hepatitisa B. Genom virusa hepatitisa D je krožna 1,7 kb velika negativno polarna enojnovijačna RNK. Virus hepatitisa D je najmanjši živalski virus in je podoben viroidom, ki povzročajo okužbe rastlin. Nedavna raziskava na 400 HbsAg-pozitivnih posameznikih je pokazala, da je hepatitis v Sloveniji zelo redka bolezen. Testiranje na označevalce okužbe z virusom hepatitisa D v Sloveniji naj zato ne bi bil diagnostični postopek izbora ob nenadnem kliničnem poslabšanju kroničnega hepatitisa B.
Deskriptorji     DELTA AGENT