Author/Editor     Žerdin, Mojca; Koželj, Miran; Skok, Pavel
Title     Rak debelega črevesa in danke - preprečevanje in presejanje
Translated title     Colorectal cancer - prevention and screening
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 75, št. 1
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 29-37
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in Slovenija and its incidence in the last decades is rising. According to the epidemiological data from 2001, the incidence in male is 64/100,000 in female 48/100,000. Even though the relative five-year survival of the patients with this disease is rising, the majority of them are discovered in the advanced stage of the disease with poor prognosis. Conclusions. If diagnosed and surgically removed in its early stage, colorectal cancer is a curable disease. Using screening tests, such as fecal occult blood test and endoscopy of the lower gastrointestinal tract, we can detect and treat premalignant lesions and early stages of colorectal cancer. In Slovenia, colorectal cancer could be the third malignant disease, after uterine cervix and breast cancer where secondary prevention should be introduced in order to reduce its incidence and mortality. In the following article the authors present and discuss the results of studies made on the prevention of colorectal cancer and the most commonly used screening methods, as well as some of the methods that are still being evaluated. They suggest measures that should be taken in Slovenia against this disease.
Summary     Izhodišča. Rak debelega črevesja danke je drugi najpogostejši vzrok smrti zaradi raka v Sloveniji, njegova incidenca je v zadnjih desetletjih v porastu. Po epidemioloških podatkih iz leta 2001 je incidenca pri moških 64/100.000 prebivalcev, pri ženskah 48/100.000. Kljub temu da se relativno 5-letno preživetje bolnikov s to boleznijo daljša, jih še vedno največ odkrijemo, ko je bolezen že v napredovalem stadiju in je prognoza slabša. Zaključki. Rak debelega črevesa in danke je ozdravljiva bolezen, če ga ugotovimo in kirurško odstranimo v zgodnji razvojni stopnji. S presejalnimi testi: preiskavo blata na prikrito krvavitev (hematest) in endoskopijo spodnje prebavne cevi lahko zaznamo in zdravimo premaligne spremembe sluznice in zgodnje oblike raka. Ta oblika maligne bolezni bi lahko bila tretja v Sloveniji, za rakom materničnega vratu in dojke, pri kateri bi bilo smiselno uvesti sekundarno preventivo in tako zmanjšati pojavnost in smrtnost. V prispevku avtorji predstavljajo in razpravljajo o izsledkih študij o preprečevanju raka debelega črevesa in danke, o najpogosteje uporabljanih presejalnih metodah, a tudi o nekaterih, ki jih šele razvijajo. Predlagajo nekatere možnosti ukrepanja v Sloveniji, ki naj bi jih udejanili.