Author/Editor     Eržen, Janez; Štupnik, Tomaž; Jerman, Jože
Title     Vodenje bolnikov po operaciji na požiralniku
Translated title     Management of patients after esophageal surgery
Type     članek
Source     In: Repše S, Tonin M, Tomažič A, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj 41. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije; 2006 feb 10-11; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Kirurška klinika, Klinični center,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 13-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The esophageal resection brings considerable, permanent anatomic and physiologic alterations.The adaptation to the new conditions is of long duration.One have to distinguish of alteration conditions to the early and late complications.The physician has to be familiar with the type of his patient's operation, possible and expectant complications, and also with the changeable patho-anatomic conditions, which request specific style of life and of nourishment. The physician has to know the course of rehabilitation which lasting a few months, as the corresponding symptoms and signs too. The most frequent esophageal operation is the partial or subtotal resection due to malignoma. Other procedures, whereas the esophageal resection doesn't perform, are rare. In this cases the esophageal function remains more or less preserved, although, it could be permanently changed. The esophageal reconstruction is most often performed by stomach, colon or jejunum. Exceptionally, it could be using for a short part of esophageal reconstruction, the free jejunal or cutaneous flap.