Avtor/Urednik     Tušek-Bunc, Ksenija
Naslov     Zdravnik družinske medicine in bolnik po operaciji želodca
Prevedeni naslov     Family physician and patient after gastric surgery
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Repše S, Tonin M, Tomažič A, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj 41. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije; 2006 feb 10-11; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Kirurška klinika, Klinični center,
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 64-72
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     New patients after gastrotomy due to peptic ulcer disease are nowadays rare in family practice. Surgery of uncomplicated dyspeptic disease is performed only exceptionally due to availability of effective drug therapies and possibility to eradicate. Helycobacter infections and endoscopic treatment of three out of four complicated ulcers. Surgery is reserved for complicated ulcers and emergencies, which bring threat for patients lives. As opposite to availability of effective drug therapies and possibility to eradicate Helycobacter infections and endoscopic treatment of three out of four complicated ulcers. Surgery is reserved for complicated ulcers and emergencies, which bring threat for patients lives. As opposite to other specialties, in family medicine we practice holistic management of our patients. Management of a patient after gastric surgery is only one and temporally priority among management of several concomitant diseases in a comorbid patient. Family physician has to manage pains, advice healthy living style and adequate nutrition. He has to pay attention to complications with late onset. Those patients have to be followed up lifelong with an aim to detect disease relapses in time and to treat them and improve quality of life of the patients. Good cooperation with the consultants over the interface between primary and secondary care specialists, i.e. oncologists, gastroenterologists and abdominal surgeons, is necessary. Further the author desribes options to manage pain in patients after gastric surgery, psychological support to them and their work capacity.
Deskriptorji     FAMILY PRACTICE