Author/Editor     Ahčan, Uroš; Zorman, Peter
Title     Minimalno invazivna sprostitev ulnarnega živca v predelu komolca s pomočjo endoskopa (preliminarni rezultati)
Translated title     Minimally invasive ulnar nerve release in elbow region with endoscopic assistance (preliminary results)
Type     članek
Source     In: Vrabič E, editor. Zbornik referatov 50 let Oddelka za plastično in rekonstruktivno kirurgijo; 2005 okt 21; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 211-21
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Cubital tunnel syndrome is second only to the median nerve as the most common peripheral compression neuropathy. Controversy still exists in the selection of ideal technique in terms of the morbidity and benefit of surgery versus the severity of disease in treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. Peri-operative morbidity, post-operative scar discomfort and release of all potential sites of ulnar nerve compression at elbow are key factors when choosing the appropriate surgical technique. Methods. In 18 patients (aged 21-72 years) with clinical and electrodiagnostic signs of cubital tunnel syndrome, 20 cm of ulnar nerve was released through 3.5 cm long incision above medial epicondyle and with the use of 4 mm 30 degrees standard face-lift endoscope with custom made introductor. Through the same incision transposition of ulnar nerve over the roof of the cubital tunnel was performed if subluxation of the ulnar nerve occurred during the elbow flexion. In the mean follow up time of 10 months (range 7-12) patients were assessed clinically and electrodiagnostically. Results. All patients improved clinically and electrodiagnostically, they were satisfied with the procedure, returned to full activities within 3 weeks and would undergo the procedure again. No macroscopically visible nerves and vessels were injured during the procedure. The only postoperative complication was one haematoma, that resolved conservatively. There was no scar discomfort (painfulneuroma, impaired sensibility, burning sensation) or elbow extension deficit after surgery, wounds healed within a week. Conclusion. With safe and reliable technique with short incision, minimum soft tissue dissection and early post-operative mobilization we were able to preserve the benefits of the conventional approaches, namely complete release and possibility of transposition, and to avoid problems such as painful scaring and elbow contracture.