Author/Editor     Šuput, Daša
Title     Vpliv makulopatij na vidne evocirane potenciale
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 27
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Maculopaties comprise a heterogeneous group of disease. The use of electrophysiology is a useful assay to study the function of macula. In the clinical practice flash and pattern retinograms are most widely used techniques for the assessment of the function of macula. Measurements of visual evoked potentials - VEP are regularly used for patients with suspected optical nerve disorders, but recent data have shown that measurement of VEP may significantly contribute to the diagnostics of macular degeneration, too. It has been shown that in some patients with macular dystrophies the latency of VEP is increased, and the amplitude decreases, which is similar to the findings in patients with optical nerve disorders. This study is an attempt at an evaluation of the use of VEP in the assessment of Best's viteliform dystrophy ant the juvenile macular dystrophy or Stargardt's disease. Aims. The aim of the study was to employ statistical tests to find out why the latency of VEPs and their amplitude is affected in some of the patients with Best's and Stargardt's disease and not in the others. An important goal was also to evaluate the putative correlation between the VEP changes and other measured parameters such as visual acuity, color vision, development of scotoms and data obtained by flash and pattern retinogram. The results might contribute to a better selection of diagnostic tools in detection and monitoring the progress of the diseases. Hypothesis. Decreased amplitude and increased latency of visual evoked potentials are inversely correlated with the preservation of macular function. Methods. Twenty one patients (42 eyes) with binocular macular dystrophy were included in the study. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)