Author/Editor     Klančar, Uroš; Kac, Javor; Mlinarič, Aleš; Krbavčič, Aleš
Title     Vsebnost atropina in skopolamina v strupenih rastlinah razhudnikovk na Slovenskem
Translated title     Content of atropine and scopolamine in poisonous solanaceae plants from Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 75, št. 3
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 157-62
Language     slo
Abstract     Background Some species from the Solanaceae family are still the cause of serious poisoning among youth in Slovenia. Usually intoxication is due to abuse of these plants to provoke hallucinations. There is still not enough data about the alkaloid content of these plants growing in Slovenia. Methods Different plant samples were analyzed for the content of atropine and scopolamine with capillary electrophoresis after solid phase extraction of alkaloids. Plants were gathered from different areas of Slovenia between April and September 2004. Results Results were compared and possible correlations between the alkaloid content and species, plant parts, growth conditions, and time of harvest were suggested. Atropine and scopolamine contents were assessed in deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna L.), thorn apple (Datura stramonium L.), scopolia (Scopolia carniolica Jacq.) and angel trumpet. The common name angel trumpet is used for Datura inoxia Mill. As well as for different Brugmansia Pers. species. The most intriguing results were the variable alkaloid content in various Brugmansia species and generally great differences in alkaloid content among various plants and their plant parts. Conclusions All investigated plants have noticeable atropine and/or scopolamine content. The content is variable between various plants and their plant parts and therefore .special care should -. be taken in cases of possible intoxication. It was shown that smaller or greater amounts of ingested drug can cause the same level of intoxication due to the variability in alkaloid content.
Summary     Izhodišča Na Slovenskem so nekatere vrste iz družine razhudnikovk še vedno pogost predmet resnih, v glavnem namernih zastrupitev. Zlorabe so v večini med mladimi, ki želijo doseči halucinogene učinke po zaužitju teh rastlin. Kljub temu ne zasledimo dovolj podatkov v literaturi, ki bi prikazovali vsebnosti alkaloidov v teh strupenih vrstah na področju Slovenije. Metode Kvantitativno smo določili vsebnost atropina in skopolamina v različnih vrstah in rastlinskih delih razhudnikovk (Solanaceae), nabranih na področju Slovenije, v obdobju od aprila do septembra 2004. Vzorce smo po ekstrakciji trdno/tekoče analizirali s pomočjo kapilar ne elektroforeze. Rezultati Dobljene rezultate smo med seboj primerjali ter iskali morebitne povezave med vsebnostjo alkaloidov in posameznimi vrstami, rastlinskimi deli, pogoji rasti in časom nabiranja. Vsebnost alkaloidov smo določili v posameznih drogah, pridobljenih iz rastlin volčje češnje (Atropa belladonna L.), navadnega kristavca (Datura stramonium L.), kranjske bunike (Scopolia carniolica Jacq.), vrste Datura inoxia Mill. in različnih vrst brugmanzij (Brugmansia spp. Pers.). Zadnji dve se pojavljata z bolj znanim skupnim imenom »angelska trobenta«. Več pozornosti so nam vzbudili predvsem rezultati o vsebnostih tropanskih alkaloidov vrste brugmanzij in na splošno velike razlike v vsebnostih alkaloidov med posameznimi rastlinami in njihovimi rastlinskimi deli. Zaključki Vse preiskovane rastline vsebujejo znatne količine atropina in/ali skopolamina. Vsebnosti med različnimi rastlinami in njihovimi rastlinskimi deli nihajo in zahtevajo posebno pozornost pri sumu na morebitne zastrupitve. Manjša ali večja količina zaužite droge lahko zaradi razlik v vsebnosti povzročita enako močno zastrupitev.
Descriptors     PLANT EXTRACTS