Author/Editor     Pokorn, D; Mičetić-Turk, D
Title     Dietno zdravljenje debelosti
Translated title     The diet treatment of obesity
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 61, št. 10
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 465-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. A deficit of 23100kJ leads to loss of about 1 kg fat. By estimating the patient's daily energetic needs, one can calculate the daily deficit necessary to achieve a given rate of weightloss. Conclusions. At the guantity regulation of eaten food, its role plays also the quality of daily meals, this means the extent, energetic density, consistency, type and quantity of bulk-food and the size of food particles. All the quoted factors can strongly reduce satiety-energeric ratio of eaten meal, more especially so however, if from the food portion as much as possible refined sugars and fars are eliminated, which very much increase the energetic food density.
Descriptors     OBESITY