Author/Editor     Zorko, Martina
Title     Ugotovitve pilotne uvedbe zapisa izdanih zdravil na kartico zdravstvenega zavarovanja
Translated title     Recording of issued drugs on the health insurance card
Type     članek
Source     In: Zdravje na informacijski poti. Zbornik kongresa Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko; 2006 apr 9-11; Zreče. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za medicinsko informatiko,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 152-61
Language     slo
Abstract     This spring, the Heulth lnsurance Institute of Slovenia is introducing the recording of issued medicine on the patients health insurance card nationwide. This project started in 2004 and in the meantime the system was designed, solutions developed and tested in a selected region - Nova Gorica and its surrounding communities. At the SDMl conference in December 2004 the system design was presented in greater detail; in this article let us present the outcomes of the pilot project. The involved doctors, pharmacists and patients confirmed the benefits of the recording of issued drugs on the health insurance card. All partners in the project conclude that the pilot was successful, thnt the system design (with some minor corrections) is suitable - and this is the basis for continuation of the project on national scale.