Avtor/Urednik     Boczkal, Sonia; Lech-Grega, Marzena; Szymanski, Wojciech
Naslov     Characterization of the grains in 2014 aluminium alloy after equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) process
Tip     članek
Vir     Image Anal Stereol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 25, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 37-42
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In 2014 alloy deformed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion process (ECAE) the changes in the size and shape of structural constituents were examined. The samples subjected after deformation to additional annealing at 300 degC/10min were characterized by larger grains of nearly-equiaxial shapes. The microstructure after deformation was composed of a large number of the mutually crossing bands and microbands. The intersection of microbands resulted in formation of rectangular and rhombohedral grains. It was noted that the average grain size after epsilon = 4.6 (4 passes) was 0.2 mim.
Deskriptorji     ALUMINUM