Author/Editor     Tekauc-Golob, Andreja
Title     Dojenje pri dvojčkih
Type     članek
Source     In: Novak-Antolič Ž, editor. Medenična vstava, večplodna nosečnost. 7. Novakovi dnevi. Zbornik prispevkov 14. strokovni sestanek ZPM; 2006 maj 19-20; Otočec. Ljubljana: Združenje za perinatalno medicino,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 157-61
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The specialties and challenges of breastfeeding twins are described. The hypothesis that twins are less successfully breastfed than population is considered. Methods. Theoretical basis of breastfeeding twins is described. Retrospective analysis about breastfeeding rate at discharge from Maribor maternity hospital of 776 twins in a group of 17760 newborns was done. Results. 79.3% of newborns is breastfed at discharge, 17.7% is partially breastfed and only 3% is not breastfed. Among twins 24.6% are breastfed, 62.5% are partially breastfed and 12.9% are not breastfed. Conclusions. Mothers of twins face many problems in breastfeeding, and healthcare professionals should offer individualized care and support. Teoretične osnove dojenja dvojčkov
Descriptors     BREAST FEEDING