Avtor/Urednik | Fras, Zlatko | |
Naslov | Učinkovitost kombiniranega zdravljenja hiperholesterolemije s statini in ezetimibom - prikaz rezultatov raziskave SI-SPECT | |
Prevedeni naslov | Effectiveness of combined statin plus ezetimibe treatment of hypercholesterolemia - presentation of SI-SPECT programme results | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Slov Kardiol | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 3, št. 1 | |
Leto izdaje | 2006 | |
Obseg | str. 14-21 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | Background. Despite the established effectiveness of statins, still many patients with dyslipidemia do not achieve recommended LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) goals. Contributing factors may be inadequate dosing, as well as increased potential for intolerance and adverse effects with combinations of available agents. Ezetimibe, the first member of a new class of selective cholesterol absorption inhibitors, is an effective and safe agent for lowering LDL-C and non HDL-C and it was previously shown that ezetimibe and statin combination therapy increased the percentage of patients who achieved their LDL-C treatment goal. Objectives. Treatment monitoring programme SI-SPECT (Slovenia (SI) Statin Plus Ezetimibe in Cholesterol Treatment) was setup to evaluate the total as well as LDL blood cholesterol lowering in patients treated with ezetimibe co-administered to on-going statin therapy in daily clinical practice (S+E). It was also investigated whether and to what extent the target levels set by the participating doctors are achieved by the co-administration therapy. Subject and methods. 1,067 pts (52% males, age 60,2 years, 42,9% with CHD, 32,0% diabetes mellitus, 96,5% with hypercholesterolemia, and 69,6% hypertension) were enrolled to initiate ezetimibe 10 mg plus continued their already prescribed statin. Baselin lipid levels were compared to those obtained at the 2nd visit (12 to 16 weeks after the initiation). Results. Significant positive changes were achieved in various lipid parameters due to "add-on" ezetimibe+statin combination therapy. Total and LDL cholesterol as well as triglycerides (TG) decreased significantly (by 25,3%, 31,4%, and 28,9% respectively, p=0.000 for all comparisons), while HDL increased by 1,0% (NS) during the study period. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters( | |
Izvleček | Izhodišča. Navkljub veliki učinkovitosti statinov še vedno mnogo bolnikov z dislipidemijo ne dosega priporočenih vrednosti holesterola LDL. K temu lahko prispevajo številni dejavniki, predvsem nezadostno odmerjanje in še vedno redka uporaba kombiniranega načina zdravljenja. Ezetimib, ki sodi v novo skupino selektivnih zaviralcev absorpcije holesterola v črevesu, je učinkovito in varno zdravilo za znižanje ravni holesterola LDL in ne-HDL. Z uporabo kombinacije ezetimiba in statina je mogoče doseči ciljne vrednosti holesterola pri bistveno večjem številu zdravljenih. Namen in metode. V programu spremljanja zdravljenja hiperholesterolemije s kombinacijo statina in ezetimiba (10mg dnevno), poimenovali smo ga SI-SPECT (iz začetnic angleškega naslova raziskave: Slovenija (SI) Statin Plus Ezetimibe in Cholesterol Treatment), smo vrednotili znižanje ravni celokupnega in holesterola LDL ter delež bolnikov, ki po 12-16 tednih opazovalnega obdobja dosežejo s smernicami opredeljene ciljne vrednosti lipidograma. Preiskovanci. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 1.067 bolnikov (med njimi je bilo 52% moških), ki so bili v povprečju stari 60,2 leta, 42,9% jih je imelo znano koronarno srčno bolezen, 32,0% sladkorno bolezen, 96,5% hiperholesterolemijo in 69,6% arterijsko hipertenzijo. Rezultati. Ob dodatku ezetimiba k že obstoječemu zdravljenju s statinom ("add-on") so bile dosežene pomembne dodatne ugodne spremembe lipidograma. Vrednosti celokupnega in holesterola LDL, kakor tudi trigliceridov so se znatno znižale, za 25,3%, 31,4%, oziroma 28,9% (p<0.001 za vse primerjave), medtem, ko se je vrednost holesterola HDL zvišala le blago statistično neznačilno (+1,0%). (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih) | |