Avtor/Urednik     Artnik, Barbara
Naslov     Prezgodnja umrljivost v povezavi z družbeno neenakostjo v Sloveniji
Prevedeni naslov     Premature mortality in relation to social inequality in Slovenia
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Ljubljana
Založnik     Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 27
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Aim. The aim of this research was to study biological (sex and age), socio-economic (marital status, education, occupation, and mother tongue) and geographical (region) factors connected with causes of death, and age at death in Slovenia in the 1990s. Methods. The study was population-based cross-sectional study. Analysis focused on all deaths in the 25-64 age group (N=14,816) in Slovenia in 1992, 1995 and 1998. Diagnoses of cause of death were linked to data on the deceased from the 1991 Census. Causes of death were classified into groups according to the ICD-10. Stratified contingency-table analyses were performed. Results. Men died younger across all socio-economic strata than women (index of their excess mortality exceeds 200 for all the studied years) and from different prevailing causes (particularly at age below 45 from injuries; neoplasms dominated for women after age 35). For men, higher education was associated with fewer deaths due to digestive system and respiratory system diseases, while the least educated women died relatively frequently of circulatory diseases and seldom of neoplasms. Single people of both sexes died less frequently because of neoplasms. Examples of particularly pronounced mortality patterns included death due to neoplasms for married females with university degree and single males with unfinished elementary school dying due to external causes before age 35. Significant differences were found between individual regions regarding age at death, and the differences decreased over the studied period. Conclusion. The data should aid in understanding the nature, prevalence and consequences of mortality as related to socio-economic inequalities, and thus serve as a basis for setting health and social policy goals and planning health measures.
Deskriptorji     SOCIAL JUSTICE