Author/Editor     Potočnik, Marjeta
Title     Hemovigilanca pri nas
Type     članek
Source     In: Bricl I, Lampreht N, editors. Zdravljenje s krvjo v gastroenterologiji in hepatologiji. Zbornik strokovnih prispevkov 7. podiplomski seminar Zdravljenje s krvjo; 2005 dec 9-10; Portorož. Ljubljana: Klinični center Ljubljana,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 113-20
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Some basic requirements for the implementation of data collection in the haemovigilance system in Slovenia were put in place before the end of 2002. Methods. Reports on transfusion adverse events were collected in the years 2002-2004. Results. There were 306 reports on transfusion adverse events collected and allergic and nonhaemolytic fever reactins prevailed. There were reports on less frequent reactions too (haemolysis, pulmonary oedema, anaphylactic reactions), but reports of some categories of reactions were missing (PTP, TRALI). Conclusions. We are building up the haemovigilance system in Slovenia. Good work of hospital transfusion committees and cooperation of clinicians and transfusiologists is expected to improve functioning of the haemovigilance system, reporting transfusion adverse events, incorrect blood transfusions and near miss events and promote implementation of measures for better safety of blood transfusion.