Author/Editor     Pajntar, Marjan
Title     Perinatalni informacijski sistem in opredeljevanje kakovosti
Translated title     Perinatal information system and quality assessment
Type     članek
Source     In: Takač I, editor. Mednarodni znanstveni simpozij 40 let perinatalne medicine v Sloveniji; 2006 jun 16; Maribor. Ljubljana: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 191-4
Language     slo
Abstract     For the past twenty years the Slovene perinatal information system is being used to collect over data for every pregnancy, delivery and newborn. Some data also act as quality indicators while others explain and determine them. The data and their analyses enable the Slovenian Perinatal Society to work and direct its activities on evidence-based medicine, which makes it possible for the Slovene perinatal results to be of top European quality. At the same time they allow the assessment of quality - professional as well as economical - of individual physicians, obstetric departments and the whole of Slovenia.
Descriptors     PERINATOLOGY