Avtor/Urednik     Lužnik, Marijan
Naslov     Preprečitev ekstremno in zelo prezgodnjega poroda z mrežno cerklažo: obetavna nova kirurška metoda za nosečnice z dilatiranim materičnim vratom in izbočenimi plodnimi ovoji?
Prevedeni naslov     Prevention of extremly and very early preterm delivery by mesh cerclage: a promising new surgical method for pregnant women with dilated cervix and membrane herniation?
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Takač I, editor. Mednarodni znanstveni simpozij 40 let perinatalne medicine v Sloveniji; 2006 jun 16; Maribor. Ljubljana: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 283-91
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Our aim was to present our innovative surgical method and the results using mesh cerclage to prevent extremely and very early preterm delivery in women with ceruical dilatation and membrane herniation. Methods. The courses of ten pregnant women treated by mesh cerclage at the Maribor Teaching Hospital Department of Perinatology in 2005 are shown in table form. The surgical technique for occlusion and reinforcing of the dilated cervix with circular suture and polypropylene mesh is described. Results. We succeeded in prolonging gestation in all ten cases that were at very high risk of extremely and very early preterm delivery. In three cases maturity was achieved, in two of them delivery occurred shortly after elective removal of mesh cerclage, and in one case the pregnancy was completed by elective cesarean section. Of the cases described, today nine mothers have at least one healthy baby each. Conclusions. Occlusion of the dilated cervix by mesh cerclage is a promising new surgical possibility of preventing extremely and very early preterm delivery, and even achieving fetal maturity in women with dilated ceruix and membrane herniation before the 26th gestational week.
Deskriptorji     LABOR, PREMATURE