Avtor/Urednik     Petrinec-Primožič, Marija; Duh, Štefan; Košnik, Martina; Triller, Nadja; Eržen, Damijan
Naslov     Vpliv glasbe med bronhoskopijo na bolnikovo počutje
Prevedeni naslov     The influence of music on patient's sensations during bronchoscopy
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 40, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 71-4
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Bronchoscopy is one the most often used invasive methods in puhmology. It is most often used in diagnostics of pulmonary cancer. Before the proceedings, patients are usually scared and alarmed, they are afraid of the method itself, possible pain and the results. Patient's fear and anxiety are managed with the help of different anxiolytics. One of the most important parts of the process is the preparation of the patient for the proceeding which often takes the form of written instructions or oral explanation. In KOPA Golnik, the patients are shown a videotape of the proceeding. During the proceeding, the patient is calmed by a relaxed approach of the staff and clear instructions about possible complications. Professional literature abounds of data that music during invasive proceedings affects patient's sensations in a positive way, diminishes fear and enhances his cooperation during the process, as well as prevents certain complications during the process and afterwards. We tried to find out whether music during bronchoscopy really diminishes anxiety and fear. In order top find out, a prospective, randomized study was carried out which cowered 200 patients. The anonymous questionnaire was filled in with the help of the nurses who also took notes of physiological parameters during the proceeding. The research study revealed that music has a calming effect on the patients: patients who listened to music during bronchoscopy had much lower blood pressure and pulse than the control group. By measuring physiological parameters, calming effect of music on patient's sensations has been indirectly proven.
Izvleček     Bronhoskopija je najpoogosteje uporabljena invazivna metoda v pulmologiji. Najpogosteje se uporablja v diaknostiki pljučnega raka. Pred bronhoskopijo so bolniki običajno prestrašeni in zaskrbljeni, bojijo se poteka preiskave, možnih bolečin in zapletov, skrbi jih končni izvid. Bolnikovo tesnobnost in strah pred in med preiskavo skušajo omiliti z različnimi pomirjevali. Zelo pomembna pa je tudi priprava bolnika na poseg. Najpogosteje o poteku preiskave bolnike seznanijo pisno ali ustno. V KOPA Golnik si bolniki pred bronhoskopijo ogledajo video posnetek poteka preiskave. Med samim posegom bolnika pomirijo z umirjenim pristopom in jasnimi navodili, kako ravnati ob določenih težavah. Literatura navaja, da predvajanje glasbe med invazivnimi posegi ugodno vpliva na bolnikovo počutje, zmanjšuje bolnikov strah in tesnobnost in izboljša njegovo sodelovanje med preiskavo ter prepreči možne zaplete med preiskavo in po njej. Zanimalo nas je, ali glasha, ki jo predvajajo med bronhoskopsko preiskavo, res zmanjša bolnikovo tesnobnost in strah, zato smo opravili prospektivno, randomizirano študijo, v katero je bilo vkljlrčenilt 200 bolnikov. Anonimni vprašalnik so bolnikom pomagale izpolnjevati medicinske sestre, ki so zapisovale tudi fiziološke parametre med preiskavo. Raziskava je pokazala, da glasba pomirjujoče učinkuje na bolnike, saj so preiskovancem, ki so med bronhoskopsko preiskavo poslušali glasbo, izmerili značilno nižje vrednosti krvnega tlaka in frekvence pulza, kot kontrolni skupini bolnikov, ki med preiskavo ni poslušala glasbe. S spremljanjem fizioloških parametrov so posredno dokazali pomirjujoč učinek glasbe na bolnike.
Deskriptorji     BRONCHOSCOPY