Avtor/Urednik     Šćepanović, Darija; Kljajić, Nada
Naslov     Kinezioterapija pri obravnavi oseb z bolečino v križu
Prevedeni naslov     Kinesiothepary approach to chronic pain
Tip     članek
Vir     Rehabilitacija
Vol. in št.     Letnik 5, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 57-64
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Nowadays, low back pain is such a frequent phenomenon that it possesses all the characteristics of an epidemic. In the introduction, the main characteristics of this phenomenon and its consequences are given. Later on, the role of kinesiotherapy is presented, when dealing with individuals suffering from low back pain, with the emphasis on therapeutic exercises, the efficiency of which is given on the basis of scientific evidence found in literature. The next part of the article represents the programme of therapeutic exercises for spinal stabilization as one of the most recent approaches in kinesiotherapy in the management of low back pain. Four stage program is based on the observation that instability of the lumbar spine is of major importance for the evolution of pain in this body part. In the conclusion, the basic issues, one has to consider when prescribing therapeutic exercises for low back pain, are presented.
Izvleček     Bolečina v križu je danes tako pogost pojav, da ima že vse značilnosti epidemije. Uvodoma so podane glavne značilnosti bolečine v križu in njene posledice. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena vloga kinezioterapije pri obravnavi oseb z bolečino v križu s poudarkom na terapevtskih vajah, na podlagi znanstvenih dokazov v literaturi pa je podana tudi njihova učinkovitost. Sledi predstavitev programa terapevtskih vaj za stabilizacijo hrbtenice kot enega novejših pristopov v kinezioterapiji pri bolečini v križu. Štiri stopenjski program vaj izhaja iz dejstva, da je nestabilnost ledvenega dela hrbtenice eden glavnih vzrokov za nastanek bolečin v križu. V zadnjem delu so podana osnovna izhodišča pri predpisovanju terapevtskih vaj pri BVK.
Deskriptorji     LOW BACK PAIN