Author/Editor     Fatur-Videtič, Andrejka
Title     Upoštevanje bolečine pri odločanju o bolnikovi vrnitvi na delo
Translated title     Return to work related factors and chronic pain disability
Type     članek
Source     Rehabilitacija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 5, št. 1-2
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 68-74
Language     slo
Abstract     The paper reviews the problems of people with chronic pain and its impact on their work ability. With the review of the literature the importance of the bin psychosocial approach stressed, both for the treatment programmes and for the return to work. The definition for the work ability assessment is given. The factors related to work that should be considered for broader vision on return to work are stressed. The vocational rehabilitation programs are presented as part of therapeutic return to work programmes. The employer's participation and cooperation is presented as important facilitator for the successfull return to work.
Summary     V prispevku so predstavljene značilnosti ljudi s kronič no bolečino in njen vpliv na njihovo delovno zmožnost. Pregled strokovnih virov poudarja pomen biopsiho- socialnega pristopa tako za oblikovanje terapevtskih programov kakor tudi za njhovo vračanje na delo. Podana je definicija in postopki za ocenjevanje delovne zmožnosti. Navedene so lastnosti dela, ki so pomembne pri odločanju o vrnitvi na delo bolnikov s kronično bolečino. Poklicna rehabilitacija je lahko sestavni del terapevtskih programov, usmerjenih k vrnitvi na delo. Poudarjen je pomen sodelovanja delodajalca za uspešno vrnitev na delo.