Author/Editor     Košir, T
Title     Smotrnost razvijanja male kirurgije v osnovni zdravstveni službi
Type     članek
Source     In: Kornhauser P, Orel J, Repše S, et al, editors. 26. in 1. del 27. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije za zdravnike splošne medicine: zbornik predavanj. Ljubljana: Kirurška služba,
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 273-6
Language     slo
Abstract     There are no dietary limitations of fats in a child's nutrition during first two years because of the fast development and growth of the child in this age period. The main guidelines for nutrition of the child after the age of two years are to ensure his optimal growth and development as well as prevention from nutritional civilization diseases. Healthy child's nutrition should not be, concern of doctors and families only, it is important on a wider, national and global scale.
Summary     Zaradi hitre rasti in razvoja v prvih dveh letih življenja v priporočihh za prehrano otroka ni omejitev glede vsehnosti maščob. Vodila pri prehrani otrok po drugem letu starosti so optimalna rast in razvoj ter preventive pred prehransko pogojenimi civilizacijskimi boleznimi. Zdrava otroška prehrana pa ni le skrb zdravnika in družine, ampak je širša, nacionalna in globalna skrb.