Avtor/Urednik     Smolar-Žvanut, Nataša; Povž, Meta; Kryžanowski, Andrej
Naslov     Vpliv zajezitve in odvzemov vode iz vodotokov na vodni ekosistem
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kryžanowski A, Sedej A, editors. Tehnična in okoljska problematika gradnje verige HE na spodnji Savi. Zbornik prispevkov 7. posvetovanje SLOCOLD; 2005 apr; Sevnica. Ljubljana: Slovenski nacionalni komite za velike pregrade - SLOCOLD,
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 57-64
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     River dams and water abstraction from the river effect aquatic and riparian ecosystem. The results of many studies have shown qualitative and quantitative hydrological, biological and physico-chemical changes downstream the dams. Results of hydrological measures and analysis in the Sava Dolinka River below the Moste Dam showed changes in hydrological regime, which is reflected in reduced flow, current velocity, water depth and in changes in flow duration curve. Temperature regime in the Sava Dotinka River just below the Moste Dam was defined by Završnica tributary and downstream it was defined by Radovna tributary. In comparison with the reference site upstream the dam, the species composition of benthic organisms was changed downstream the Moste Dam. After the river damming with Moste dam, in the accumulation are presented only those fish species, which are introduced for fishing and those, which come from upstream sections of the river. There is no natural reproduction of fish in the accumulation. Ecologically acceptable flow (EAF) should be assured in the river sections below the dams with the aim to preserve aquatic ecosystem. EAF is defined as the quantity and the quality of water which preserve natural balance in aquatic and riparian ecosystem.
Deskriptorji     FRESH WATER