Avtor/Urednik     Pineiro, R; Brotons, C; Bulc, M; Ciurana, R; Drenthen, T; Durrer, D; Godycki-Cwirko, M; Goerpelioglu, S; Kloppe, P; Lionis, C
Naslov     Healthy diet in primary care: views of general practitioners and nurses from Europe
Tip     članek
Vir     Eur J Clin Nutr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 59, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. S77-80
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     BACKGROUND: Most of the national colleges of general practitioners (GPs) do not have their own dietary/nutritional tools, and GPs and nurses do not have the time, knowledge, or skills to advise their patients about desirable dietary practices. OBJECTIVE: To assess the usefulness of a simple and practical guide on healthy diet to be used by European GPs and nurses. DESIGN: A postal survey was mailed to 171 GPs and nurses from 12 European countries to obtain information about the usefulness of a guide on healthy diet developed by EUROPREV. RESULTS: The perception of health professionals is that the main source of information on healthy diet for the population was the media. In all, 95% of GPs and nurses reported that the guide was useful; 93, 95, and 82% reported that the concepts were concise, easy to understand, and realistic, respectively. Also, 77% reported that the type of counselling recommended was feasible and could be applied, 94% reported that the implementation measures proposed could be effective and 88% reported that the Traditional Mediterranean Diet Pyramid is useful, but some concerns about the content were mentioned. CONCLUSIONS: GPs and nurses from Europe think that a practical guide on healthy diet developed by EUROPREV could be used to advise patients in primary care, although the Traditional Mediterranean Diet Pyramid should be modified.
Deskriptorji     PRIMARY HEALTH CARE