Author/Editor     Možina, Klavdija
Title     Okupacijsko življenje v zavodu: okupacijske izkušnje in potrebe nekaterih stanovalcev socialno-varstvenega zavoda v Sloveniji
Translated title     Occupational life inside institution: experiences of occupations by some of the residents in long-term social institution in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Delovna terapija in okolje. 3. kongres delovnih terapevtov Slovenije; 2006 jun 8-10; Radenci. Ljubljana: Zbornica delovnih terapevtov Slovenije,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 179-87
Language     slo
Abstract     This qualitative research, conducted in one of the Slovene institutions, offers an insight into occupational experiences, needs, and occupational deprivation of the residents. The aim of the study was to gain an insight into occupational experiences and needs of residents living in one of the long-term special social institutions. For the needs of the study, a qualitative paradigm was used when using interviews for data collecting, and the constant comparative method of the analysis. Findings analysed by constant comparative method, show that the institution does provide some occupation in every day life. But at the same time, the institution prevents the residents from engaging in additional occupations. It also does not provide any opportunities to residents, where they could prove themselves and their capabilities. The last and most important finding reveals the residents' need for better contacts with other residents, the staff, and people from outside.