Author/Editor     Ostrež, Anita; Gal, Marija
Title     Med ljudmi nismo nikoli sami
Translated title     We are never alone among people
Type     članek
Source     In: Delovna terapija in okolje. 3. kongres delovnih terapevtov Slovenije; 2006 jun 8-10; Radenci. Ljubljana: Zbornica delovnih terapevtov Slovenije,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 224-5
Language     slo
Abstract     The occupational therapist tries to make the environment more accessible to people with developmental disorders. The environment with its physical, socio-cultural and institutional components has a great influence on the formation of individuals. Therefore the occupational therapist performing a variety of activities offers a wide range of environmental experiences to a person affected by developmental disorders. At the same time the therapist enables such a person to be recognized and accepted by the environment. As the role of the occupational therapist helping people with developmental disorders is little known in the wider society, a brochure with essential information has been printed. The brochure, which presents the occupational therapist's field of work is simple and comprehensive to the wider community as well. The brochure was very well accepted by the society.