Author/Editor     Gruden, K; Baebler, Š; Toplak, N; Kogovšek, P; Hren, M; Rotter, A; Krečič-Stres, H; Pompe-Novak, M; Blejec, A; Žel, J; Kovač, M; Ravnikar, M
Title     Towards better understanding of plant-pathogen/pests interactions - expression profiling as a tool in systems biology
Translated title     Analiza interakcij med rastlino in patogenom oz. škodljivcem - ekspresijsko profiliranje kot orodje sistemske biologije
Type     članek
Source     In: Filipič M, Zajc I, editors. Genetika 2006. Book of abstracts 4th congress of Slovenian genetic society and 2nd meeting of the Slovenian society of human genetics with international participation; 2006 Sep 28-Oct 1; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenian society of human genetics,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 44
Language     eng, slo