Avtor/Urednik     Stanonik, Marko; Saksida, Bogdan; Volfand, Jasna
Naslov     Zunajtelesno drobljenje kamnov v sečilih z aparatom Dornier
Prevedeni naslov     ESWL treatment of urolithiasis with Dornier lithotriptor
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Tršinar B, editor. Kamni v sečilih. 2. slovenski urološki simpozij; 1996 dec 6-7; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Urološka sekcija SZD Slovenije,
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 1-12
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     182 patients with nephrolithiasis and 122 pts. with ureterolithiasis were treated with extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) as monotherapy. Six months later the results of 82 pts. (45%) from the group of pts. with nephrolithiasis and 96 (79%) from the group of pts. with ureterolithiasis were evaluated. In patients with nephrolithiasis, 78% were found to be stone-free and 20% had a small residual stone. Complications (raised body temperature, ureterolithiasis, perirenal hematoma) developed in 7 % of patients. Patients with ureterolithiasis were divided in two subgroups regarding the position of the calculus: upper third of ureter (lumbal) and lower third (pelvic). In the first group, the outcome was better in patients without ureteral stent, and in the second group vice versa. The average number of treatments per stone was 3.2 and overall efficacy 87%. ESWL monotherapy was succesful in >0%. 12 pts underwent surgery and in 11 pts. cystoskopic ostiotomy was performed. Sepsis developed in 12 patients due either to ESWL or ureteral stenting. The results of ESWL as monotherapy of renal and ureteric calculi are not satisfactory therefore, a combined treatment is required.
Deskriptorji     URINARY CALCULI