Author/Editor     Urbančič, Klaudia
Title     Spodbujanje lastne aktivnosti pri starših prezgodaj rojenih otrok v enoti intenzivne nege in terapije
Type     članek
Source     In: Bergant L, editor. Zbornik referatov strokovno srečanje Nedonošenček - zdravstveni, psihološki in socialni problem (vidiki obravnave po odpustu iz bolnišnice); 2006 okt 27-28; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Rokus,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 81-96
Language     slo
Abstract     The paper presents the process of planned systematically supporting of parents in the neonatal intensive care in order to promote self-dependence and own activity of them. In the concept of care, developmental care and process of empowerment the health education and counselling are presented as support and strategy. In the empirical part the process of planned systematically counselling and health education to parents of premature newborns in the Intensive care unit at Maternity hospital in Ljubljana in Slovenia is described. The sample included 33 couples and 39 babies (of total 207 all admitted babies at that time) who are active participants from period of seven months. Action research as method was used. The application of program in nursing practice was successful perform. The health education counselling program takes an important role in the process of parents' empowerment during attending their children and it contributes to increase parents' critical thinking. Most of parents who participate gained the level of self-dependence and autonomy in the care of their child. Different approaches proved successful: individual form of work using counselling discussion and explanation at the bedside of the child immediately after birth, small group forms of work with mothers in the continue of the process. The case study of mother who has not been actively included in the program and in the care of her child is represented. Authoress gives some suggestions for clinical application in the attending these borderline types of parents.
Descriptors     INFANT, PREMATURE