Author/Editor     Groleger-Sršen, Katja
Title     Celovita timska obravnava dojenčka z dejavniki tveganja in otroka s cerebralno paralizo
Type     članek
Source     In: Bergant L, editor. Zbornik referatov strokovno srečanje Nedonošenček - zdravstveni, psihološki in socialni problem (vidiki obravnave po odpustu iz bolnišnice); 2006 okt 27-28; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Rokus,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 199-208
Language     slo
Abstract     Basic principles of early diagnostic procedures and comprehensive (re)habilitation program for children at risk and for children with cerebral palsy are presented in the article. Program includes evaluation of abilities, therapeutic program, application of aids and special equipment, work with family and introduction of special care and educational programs. Also some newly introduced measurement instruments are presented.
Descriptors     INFANT CARE