Author/Editor | Planinšec, Jurij; Fošnarič, Samo; Pišot, Rado | |
Title | Prevalenca čezmerne telesne teže in debelosti med otroki v severovzhodni Sloveniji | |
Translated title | Prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in northern Slovenia | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zdrav Vars | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 45, št. 3 | |
Publication year | 2006 | |
Volume | str. 140-9 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Introduction: Prevalence of different categories of overnutrition in the general population and in selected population groups was investigated with the aim of getting an accurate estimate of overnutrition rates in children in the northeastern part of Slovenia. Methods: The study conducted in 2004 used a sample of 1,549 children from northeastern Slovenia, aged six to eleven years. The body mass index (BMI) was used to determine overweight and obesity levels. The prevalence of different overnutrition categories (in %) was determined. Results: No statistically signficant differences (p=0.655) were found between sexes as concerns the level of overnutrition (overweight and obesity rates were 14.5% and 4.7% for boys and 12.5% and 5.1% for girls, neither were there any statistically significant differences between different age groups (p=0.158): overweight and obesity rates were 8.9% and 5.1% for six-year olds;12.9% and 7.2% for seven-year olds, 12.8% and 6.8% for eight-year olds; 14.6% and 4.7% for nine-year olds, 15.7% and 2.5% for ten-year olds, 11.9% and 3.7% for 11-year-old children. No statistically significant differences in the nutritional status of children (p=0.168) were established between urban and rural areas (overweight and obesity rates were 13.9% and 5.9% for urban schools, and 12.8 and 4.6% for schools in the rural areas. There was no significant difference between boys attending urban schools and those in rural schools (p=0.293), yet the prevalence of overweight and obesity was signifcantly higher among girls in urban schools than among their peers attending rural schools (p<0.0005). Discussion: A comparison of our results and data from other studies showed that overweight and obesity rates of children living in the northeast of Slovenia were slightly below the European average. The situation in the northeast was less critical than that in other geographical areas of Slovenia. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters) | |
Summary | Uvod: Z namenom, da bi čim bolj natančno ocenili stanje prehranjenosti otrok v severovzhodnem delu Slovenije, smo si zastavili cilj ovrednotiti prevalenco različnih kategorij stanja prehranjenosti v celotni populaciji in izbranih populacijskih skupinah. Metode: Raziskava je bila opravl jena leta 2004 na vzorcu 1594 otrok iz severovzhodne Slovenije, starih od šest do enajst let. Za določanje čezmerne telesne teže in debelosti otrok je bil uporabljen indeks telesne mase (ITM). V raziskavi se opazuje prevalence različnih kategorij stanja prehranjenosti (v odstotkih). Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo, da stanje prehranjenosti med spoloma (dečki: čezmerna telesna teža 14,0%, debelost 4,7%; deklice: čezmerna prehranjenost 12,5%, debelost 5,1%) ni statistično značilno različno (p=0,655). Tudi med različno starimi otroki (6-letni: čezmerna telesna teža 8, 9%, debelost 5,1%; 7 letni: čezmerna telesna teža 12,9%, debelost 7,2%; 8-letni: čezmerna telesna teža 12,8%, debelost 6,8%; 9-letni: čezmerna telesna teža 14,6%, debelost 4,7%; 10-letni: čezmerna telesna teža 15,7%, debelost 2,5%; 11-letni: čezmerna telesna teža 11,9%, debelost 3, 7%) ni statistično pomembnih razlik (p=0,158). Razlike v stanju prehranjenosti glede na bivalno okolje (mestne šole: čezmerna telesna teža 13,9%, debelost 5,9%; zuna jmestne šole: čezmerna prehranjenost 12,8%, debelost 4,6%) niso statistično značilne (p=0,168). Primerjava med dečki mestnih in zunajmestnih šol je pokazala, da razlika ni statistično pomembna (p=0,293), zato pa sta čezmerna teža in debelost bolj razširjeni med deklicami v mestnih šolah, saj je razlika v tem pogledu statistično pomembna (p<0,0005). Razprava: Primerjava s podatki iz nekaterih drugih raziskav kažejo, da so otroci iz severovzhodne Slovenije nekoliko pod evropskim povprečjem. Ugotavljamo tudi, da je stanje v severovzhodnem delu države manj kritično, kot kažejo podatki za druge dele Slovenije. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih) | |