Author/Editor     Strgulc-Krajšek, Simona; Dermastia, Marina; Jogan, Nejc
Title     Determination key for Central European Epilobium species based on trichome morphology
Type     članek
Source     Bot Helv
Vol. and No.     Letnik 116
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 169-78
Language     eng
Abstract     The distribution and morphology of trichomes was investigated for 14 European Epilobium species (section synstigma) to evaluate their taxonomic relevance. Three kinds of trichomes were detected. Tapering trichomes without glandular activity occurred in all examined species but differed in their distribution on the plant. Blunt trichomes with a rounded tip were only present in some of the species. They were of two types, one of which possessed glandular activity. Together, trichomes characteristics allowed a clear distinction of the 14 species and were included in a determination key.
Descriptors     PLANTS