Author/Editor     Prestor, Borut; Žgur, Tomaž
Title     Vpliv karcinoembrionskega antigena na celice zaviralke
Translated title     Effect of carcinoembrionic antigen on suppressor cells
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 22
Publication year     1983
Volume     str. 147-67
Language     slo
Abstract     Tumor has its specific antigens which elicit immune reaction of host against tumor. This immunity does not protect organism against tumor growth. It seems that these antigenes stimulate the suppressor cells activity through which host immune response can be inhibited. Tha aim of the experiments performed was to show if carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) stimulates the suppresser cells. The influence of CEA on the suppresser cells was compared with mitogen concanavalin A (Con A) through which suppresser cells can be stimulated. Results obtained throughout the experiments show that CEA does not influence suppresser cells activity, and that it does not work on lymphocytes the same way as Con A.
Summary     Tumorsko tkivo vsebuje specifične antigene, ki spodbudijo v gostitelju imunski odziv. Nastala imunost gostitelja ne varuje pred razrastjo tumorja. Ena od razlag je, da tumorski antigeni spodbudijo nastanek celic zaviralk, ki zavrejo imunski odziv. Z metodo supresorskega testa smo preučevali vpliv karcinoembrionskega antigena (CEA) na nastanek celic zaviralk. Primerjali smo delovanje CEA in mitogena konkanavalina A (Con A), ki spodbuja celice zaviralke. Ugotovili smo, da CEA ne vpliva na celice zaviralke in da deluje nanje druga kot Con A.
Descriptors     ANTIGENS, NEOPLASM