Author/Editor     Ovijač, Darja; Škrabl, Nika; Kobilšek, Patricija; Cevc, Matija; Pahor, Majda
Title     Sodelovanje v slovenskem zdravstvu iz ptičje perspektive (nekateri rezultati anketne raziskave)
Translated title     Collaboration in health care in Slovenia: an overview of the results of a survey study
Type     članek
Source     In: Kvas A, Pahor M, Klemenc D, et al, editors. Zbornik Sodelovanje med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki v zdravstvenem timu: priložnost za izboljševanje kakovosti; 2006; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 218-34
Language     slo
Abstract     The authors present interprofessional collaboration in health care in the context of the first results of the quantitative part of the project named "lnterprofessional Collaboration between Nurses and Doctors", carried out by a research team of the Nurse Association of Ljubljana, in cooperation with the Slovenian Medical Association and the Research Institute of the College of Health Studies, University of Ljubljana. The research fool used was a questionnaire, consisting of three scales: Experience of lnterprofessional Relations, Characteristics of lnterprofessional Relations, and Comnumication and Teamwork. A question about satisfaction at the work place and a set of demographic questions were added to the questionnaire. The research shows that the respondents have positive experiences in interprofessional relations, and consider themselwes good communicatios and team workers. At the same time, they are critical towards the characteristics of interprofessional relations. Statistically significant differences occur between different professional groups (nurses, nurse assistants and doctors). Doctors have the most positive experiences regarding variables measured by all three scales. At the level of the entire sample a high degree of agreement with some specific statements of the scales is present, namely that status hierarchy, stereotypes, partiality in relations and insincere communication are present in the Slovenian health care.