Author/Editor     Domajnko, Barbara; Kvas, Andreja; Štrancar, Klelija; Bojc, Nina; Pahor, Majda
Title     Živeta interprofesionalna razmerja: kvalitativni pogled
Translated title     Lived interprofessional relations: the qualitative perspective
Type     članek
Source     In: Kvas A, Pahor M, Klemenc D, et al, editors. Zbornik Sodelovanje med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki v zdravstvenem timu: priložnost za izboljševanje kakovosti; 2006; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 235-73
Language     slo
Abstract     Purpose: The main aim of the study was to identify the characteristics of good collaboration in health care teams in Slovenia and to interpret them in the light of comparable international studies. Personal experience of interprofessional collaboration in a health care team was introduced to complement quantitative results and provide an indepth understanding. Methods: Data for qualitative analysis was generated from two open-end questions from the survey and nine interviews. Answers and interviews were transcribed verbatim. These transcripts constituted our basic electronic dada base. Supported by compuler software Atlas.ti and combining elements of the grounded theory and the pragmatic approach, basic thematic categories and subcategories were identified. Results: The map of the conceptualization of interprofessional collaboration was constructed. It comprises six thematic categories: common goal, joint work, autonomy based on professional education and experience, decision-making, communication and values. Each of Them is further divided into sub-categories and illustrated by statements from the data base. Results were discussed, the categories related anti interpretation supported by additional scientific literature. Conclusion: Results are comparable to those found in international studies, but in certain aspects also specific to Slovenian cultural context. The article is important for providing the grounds on which health professionals can consider the quality of their involvement in a health care team.