Avtor/Urednik     Simonič, Anja
Naslov     Prvi koraki k interdisciplinarnemu timskemu delu v paliativni oskrbi: intervencijska študija paliativnega tima Bolnišnice Golnik - Kliničnega oddelka za pljučne in alergijske bolezni
Prevedeni naslov     First steps to an interdisciplinary team work in palliative care: intervention study of palliative care team of University clinic of respiratory and allergic diseases Golnik
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kvas A, Pahor M, Klemenc D, et al, editors. Zbornik Sodelovanje med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki v zdravstvenem timu: priložnost za izboljševanje kakovosti; 2006; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 274-85
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The subject of this article is the intervention study in University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik. With planed forms of team work in the area of palliative care we wanted to influence changes in interpersonal relationships inside the team work and so contribute to development of the interdisciplinary palliative care team and more qualitative treatment of patients and their caregivers. We evaluated changes in interpersonal relationships whitin the team with semi-structured questionnaire, specifically designed for this research. Among designed forms of team work the informative meetings for patients with lung cancer and their caregivers were proved to significantly change the interpersonal relationships inside the team. This was not the case with clinical path-way of palliative care of patients with small-cell lung cancer. There are several reasons for these findings: informative meetings are organised for longer period of time, patients and their caregivers are evaluating them very positive, the feedback for team members is almost immediate, team members also reached the important consensus refering to the concept of informative meetings.