Author/Editor     Kosten, Tatjana
Title     Poškodbe zdravstvenih delavcev z ostrimi predmeti
Translated title     Injuries of health workers with sharp objects
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 237-41
Language     slo
Abstract     The article brings the survey of literature on injuries of health workers and the analysis of injuries of health workers of the Hospital Golnik, Clinical Department for Lung Diseases and Allergy. By keeping track of injuries of health workers and the analysis of these data, we tried to find causes of injuries and to prevent them with education of health workers, by the use of containers for sharp objects, by use of safe techniques and work procedures. All these measures are aimed at bigger safety of the employees.
Summary     Članek podaja pregled tuje literature o poškodbah zdravstvenih delavcev ter analizo poškodb zdravstvenih delavcev v Bolnišnici Golnik, Kliničnem oddelku za pljučne bolezni in alergijo. Z evidentiranjem poškodb zdravstvenih delavcev z ostrimi predmeti in analizo teh podatkov se skuša poiskati vzroke za nastanek poškodb in jih v čim večji meri odpraviti z izobraževanjem zdravstvenih delavcev, z uporabo zbiralnikov za ostre predmete, uporabo varnih tehnik in postopkov dela. S tem je poskrbljeno za varnost zaposlenih.