Author/Editor     Mikuž, A; Rozman, B; Skalerič, U
Title     Stanje obzobnih tkiv pri pacientih z revmatoidnim artritisom
Translated title     Periodontal status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 61, št. 2-3
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 55-62
Language     slo
Abstract     Backgound: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and periodontitis (PD) have remarkably similar pathobiology and biochemical processes of tissue destruction. The aim of this study was to investigate the size of infected periodontal wounds and the salivary and serum levels of inflammatory mediators and cytokines in patients wih RA. Subjects and methods: Thirty-five patients with RA (30 females, 5 males) were included in our study. Data on erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), rheumatoid factor (RF) and medication were obtained from the patients' medical records. Interleukin 6 (IL6), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and highly sensitive CRP (hs-CRP) were measured in samples of serum and saliva. The size of infected periodontal wounds was determined by measuring probing depths and bleeding on probing. The number of missing teeth and the presence of clinical attachment loss were recorded. Results: Statistical analysis showed significant differences in (1) the size of deep periodontal wounds between patients with RA lasting up to 10 years and those with longer disease duration (0.43 t 0.37 cm2 vs. 0.21 t 0.15 mm2, p= 0.046), (2) the serum levels of TNF-alpha between patients with CRP values below 5mg/L and those with higher CRP values (6.54 ± 2.40 ng/L vs. 11.59 ± 8.45 ng/L, p= 0.03), and in (3) the serum levels of hs-CRP between patients with ESR below 20 mm/h and those with higher ESR values (4.05 ± 4.21 mg/L vs. 18.71 ± 18.85 mg/L, p=0.036). The patients had a higher average number of missing teeth than a control group of randomly selected healthy subjects of equal age (17). Conclusions: The study failed to confirm our hypothesis that the size of periodontal wounds influences the level of inflammatory mediators in the serum and saliva of patients with RA.
Summary     Izhodišče: Revmatoidni artritis in parodontalna bolezen imata presenetljivo podobno patobiologijo in biokemične procese tkivne razgradnje. Namen raziskave je bil pri bolnikih z revmatoidnim artritisom ugotoviti velikost parodontalne rane in raven kazalcev vnetja (CRP, hs-CRP, SR, RF) ter inflamatornih citokinov (IL-6, TNF-alfa) v serumu in slini. Preiskovanci in metode: V raziskavo smo vključili 35 bolnikov z revmatoidnim artritisom; 30 žensk in 5 moških. Iz podatkov medicinske dokumentacije smo dobili vrednosti CRP, SR, RF in podatke o terapiji preiskovancev, v odvzetih vzorcih sline in krvi smo določili vrednosti IL-6, TNF-a in hs-CRP, na podlagi meritev globin sondiranja in prisotnosti krvavitve ob sondiranju pa smo določili velikost parodontalne rane. Parodontalni pregled je vključeval tudi število prisotnih zob in izgubo kliničnega prirastišča. Rezultati: Statistična analiza je pokazala statistično značilne razlike v vrednosti aktivne globoke parodontalne rane pri bolnikih, pri katerih je bolezen trajala do vključno deset let, v primerjavi z bolniki, pri katerih je bolezen trajala več kot deset let (0,43 ± 0,37 cm2 vs. 0,21 ± 0,15 mm2, p = 0,046); statistično značilne razlike v vrednosti TNF-alfa v serumu pri bolnikih, pri katerih je vrednost CRP merila do 5 mg/I, v primerjavi z bolniki, pri katerih je vednost CRP merila 5 mg/I in več (6,54 ± 2,40 ng/I vs. 11,59 ± 8,45 ng/I, p = 0,035 ); statistično značilne razlike v vrednosti hs-CRP v serumu pri bolnikih, pri katerih je vrednost SR merila do vključno 20 mm/h, v primerjavi z bolniki, pri katerih je vednost SR merila več kot 20 mm/h (4,05 ± 4,21 mg/L vs. 18,71 ± 18,85 mg/L, p = 0,036). Zaključki: Zaključki raziskave kažejo, da imajo bolniki z revmatoidnim artritisom povprečno manj zob (17,2 prisotnih od 32 zob) kot naključno izbrani prebivalci Ljubljane iste starosti (9,1 manjkajočih od 28 zob) v epidemiološki študiji Kovač - Kavčičeve in Skaleriča (2001). (Izvleček skrajšan na 2000 znakov)