Author/Editor     Kozar, Franc
Title     Cistična degeneracija adventicije arterijske popliteje in komunikacija s kolenskim sklepom - prikaz primera
Translated title     Cystic adventitial degeneration of popliteal artery and communication with the knee joint - case report
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 75, št. 12
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 847-50
Language     slo
Abstract     Background Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of lower limb ishemia in developed world. Other nonatherosclerotic causes must be considered in a young patient without specific risk factors, among them cystic adventitial degeneration of popliteal artery, a rare disease with unknown etiology. Patients and methods A 27 year-old male patient presented with symptoms of intermittent claudication. He had no risk factors. After prompt diagnosis a surgical procedure was performed .A cystic formation was found in popliteal artery which communicated with knee joint. We evacuated the cyst and closed the communication with the joint. Patient is symptom free at the moment. Conclusions When dealing with a younger patient with signs of intermittent claudication, we have to consider nonatherosclerotic causes of disease, among them cystic adventitial degeneration of popliteal artery. Therapy is surgical, obtained results are very good without recurrence of cysts.
Summary     Izhodišča V razvitem svetu je najpogostejši vzrok ishemije spodnjih udov ateroskleroza. Pri mlajših bolnikih brez dejavnikov tveganja moramo razmišljati o drugih možnih boleznih, ki prizadenejo žilje. V to skupino spada tudi cistična degeneracija adventicije arterije popliteje, redka bolezen neznane etiologije. Bolniki in metode 27-letni moški je obiskal našo ambulanto zaradi znakov intermitentne klavdikacije ob odsotnosti dejavnikov tveganja. Po opravljeni diagnostiki smo se odločili za operativni poseg, pri katerem smo odkrili cistično tvorbo v notranjosti arterije, ki je komunicirala s kolenskim sklepom. Cisto smo odstranili, zaprli smo fistulo, ki je vodila v notranjost sklepa. Bolnik je po operativnem zdravljenju brez težav. Zaključki Pri mlajšem bolniku z znaki ishemije spodnjih udov je potrebno pomisliti na bolezni žil, ki niso aterosklerotskega izvora; med to spada tudi cistična degeneracija adventicije poplitealne arterije. Zdravljenje je kirurško, rezultatim praviloma dobri brez ponavljanja cist.
Descriptors     POPLITEAL ARTERY