Author/Editor | Peterle, Helena | |
Title | Stališča študentov medicine in zdravstvene nege Univerze v Ljubljani do medpoklicnega izobraževanja | |
Translated title | Standpoints of medical students and students of nursing of the University of Ljubljana regarding interprofessional education | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Obz Zdrav Nege | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 40, št. 3 | |
Publication year | 2006 | |
Volume | str. 129-36 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Interprofessional education enables common education of students of different profiles. The purpose of it is better cooperation and communication inside health team and better quality of health care of patients, as well as better detection and solving of the problems, clarification of stereotypes and knowledge about different roles of different team rrcembers. Positive results are as well as on the part of the students as well as teachers and patients. Inquiry was filled in by 104 students, among them were 39 medical students and 65 students of nursing care. The gathered results were processed quantitatively and qualitatively and revealed that all want to experience more common learning. The results revealed that foreign experiences should be used more often: in such a way the students would get some precious experience and learn more about their future coworkers. This would enable them to get more knowledge and it would enhance their skills of professional and interpersonal level. | |
Summary | Medpoklicno izobraževanje je način izobraževanja, ki omogoča skupno učenje študentov različnih poklicev. Njegov nameh je izbodjšatd sodelovanje in komunikacijo v zdravstvenem timu, dvigndti kakovost zdravstvene oskrbe pacientov ter pomagati pri prepoznavanju in reševanju konfliktov, odpravljanju stereotipov ter seznanjanju z vlogo drugih sodeLavcev v zdravstvu. Koristi prinaša tako študentom kot tudi učiteljem in pacientom. Anketni vprašalnik so izpolnili 104 študenti, od tega 39 študentov medicine in 65 študentov zdravstvene nege. Dobljeni podatki so obdelani kvantitativno in kvalitativno. Avtorica je ugotovila, da si obe skupini študentov želita skupnega učenja. Na osnovi ugotovitev se bo v prihodnje potrebno zgledovati po tujih izkušnjah in ponuditi študentom priložnost, da se v procesu formalnega izobraževanja srečajo in spoznajo delo bodočih sodelavcev ter s tern izboljšajo svoje znanje in spretnosti na strokovnern in rrcedosebnem področju. | |