Author/Editor | Rifel, Janez | |
Title | Splošni večdimenzijski vprašalniki za merjenje kakovosti življenja | |
Translated title | Generic multidimensional quality-of-life instruments | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Med Razgl | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 45, št. 3 | |
Publication year | 2006 | |
Volume | str. 285-92 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | One of the essential elements of healthcare evaluation is the assessment of health-related quality of life. Health-related quality of life refers to how health impacts an individual's ability to function and his or her perceived well-being in physical, mental and social domains of life. A range of generic health status measures are currently available and each of these measures has its particular strengths and weaknesses. The decision to use any one in a particular survey or clinical trial, or as a tool in clinical practice is often based on diverse scientific and extrascientific considerations. None of the instruments performs uniformly as best or worst. In this review, conceptual and measurement models of 9 generic multi-dimensional health status measures are presented: the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item and 12-item Short Form Health Survey, the Nottingham Health Profile, the WONCA/COOP charts, the DUKE Health Profile, the EQ-5D, the Sickness Impact Profile, the Quality of Well-Being Scale and the Health Utilities Index. | |
Summary | Merjenje z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja je eden izmed bistvenih elementov ocenjevanja zdravstvene oskrbe. Z zdravjem povezana kakovost življenja opisuje, kako zdravje vpliva na posameznikovo vsakodnevno delovanje in njegovo dojemanje fizičnega, duševnega in socialnega blagostanja. Trenutno je na voljo cela množica različnih splošnih vprašalnikov in vsak ima svoje dobre in slabe lastnosti. Odločitev za izbiro določenega vprašalnika v raziskavi ali za pomoč pri kliničnem delu je odvisna od različnih znanstvenih in neznanstvenih dejavnikov. Nobenega vprašalnika v splošnem ne moremo označiti za najboljšega ali najslabšega. V tem preglednem članku so predstavljeni vsebinski in merilni modeli devetih splošnih večdimenzijskih vprašalnikov za merjenje z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja: (angl. Medical Outcomes Study 36-item ter 12-item Short Form Health Survey, Nottingham Health Profile, the WONCA/COOP charts, the D UKE Health Profile, the EQ-5D, the Sickness Impact Pro file, the Quality of Well-Being Scale and the Health Utilities Index). | |