Avtor/Urednik     Onišak, B; Breznik-Farkaš, B
Naslov     Nasal polyposis and aspirin intolerance syndrome
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Žargi M, editor. Proceedings of the 11th Danube symposium 2006. International otorhinolaryngological congress; 2006 Sep 27-30; Bled. Bologna: Monduzzi editore,
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 67-71
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In some asthmatic individuals, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that inhibit cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) exacerbate the condition. This distinct clinical syndrome, called aspirin-indccced a.sthrrca (AIA), is characterized by an eosinophilic rhinosinusitis, nasal polyposis, aspirin sensitivity, and asthma. There is no in vitro test for the disorder, and diagnosis can be established only by provocation challenges with aspirin or NSAIDs. Recent major advances in the molecular biology of eicosanoids, exemplified by the cloning of 2 cysteinyl leukotriene receptors and the discovery of a whole family of cyclooxygenase enzymes, offer new insights into mechanisms operating in AIA. The disease runs a protracted course even if COX1 inhibitors are avoided, and the course is often severe, many patients requiring systemic corticosteroids to control their sinusitis and asthma. Aspirin and NSAIDs should be avoided, but highly specific COX-2 inhibitors, known as coxibs, are well. Aspirin desensitization, followed by daily aspirin treatment, is a valuable therapeutic option in most patients with AIA, particularly those with recurrent nasal polyposis or overdependence on systemic corticosteroids.
Deskriptorji     NASAL POLYPS