Author/Editor     Hoefferle-Felc, Alenka; Sedej, Bogdana; Tonin, Martin
Title     Rehabilitacija po zlomih kolka pri starostnikih
Translated title     Rehabilitation after hip fractures in the elderly
Type     članek
Source     In: Tonin M, Repše S, Tomažič A, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj 42. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije; 2007 feb 2-3; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Združenje kirurgov Slovenije,
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 22-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Introduction. Preventing falls and osteoporotic fractures is more important than curing them,but ifthey happen,treatment should begin as soon as possible: operation (if possible) should be followed by effective rehabilitation. Rehabilitation. It begins immediately after admission to the hospital. Before operation evaluation of the patient is necessary (his past medical history, social history, physical examination, mental status). Patient should be taught respiratory exercises, therapeutic exercises to maintain good venous return and muscle strength and to prevent negative consequences of immobility. lt is also an opportunity to create positive relationship between medical stuff and patient. After operation attention is focused on reaching functional mobility. Each activity needs to be broken down to specific components, so that patient can practice each sequence separately. The principle of graduation is important. Rehabilitation aims are to strengthen muscles, increase range of movement and reach the highest degree of independence possible. Rehabilitation varies through weeks. The approach is multidisciplinary: beside therapeutists and nursing stuff there are also a social worker, a psychologist, sometimes even a psychiatrist. After early rehabilitation in the department of traumatology patients continue their treatment at home, or in an institution: a spa, general hospital or rehabilitation institute. Between the 2nd and 8th week the progress is found to be the quickest. Statistics: There are over 1700 patients with the hip fracture a year in Slovenia. In the University medical centre of Ljubljana 348 such patients were admitted from the beginning of July to the end of September 2002. Conclusions. To reach optimal results rehabilitation should follow the abilities of the patient. According to experience returning to a well known place as soon as possible is best for the patient.