Author/Editor     Štor, Zdravko
Title     Preoperacijska priprava in pooperacijska rehabilitacija bolnikov z rakom debelega črevesa in danke
Type     članek
Source     In: Tonin M, Repše S, Tomažič A, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj 42. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije; 2007 feb 2-3; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Združenje kirurgov Slovenije,
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 116-24
Language     slo
Abstract     According to data from a questionare " Colorectal cancer in the year 2005 in Slovenia" 1121 CRC patients were treated in all surgical departments. The number of CRC patients treated in all surgical departments in Slovenia is growing: 803/870 (92,3%) patients in year 1995, 976976/1022 (95,5%) in year 2000. Postoperative mortality rate of resected patients was 3,3% in 1995, 4,1% in 2000 and 4,7% in 2005. Postoperative mortality rate of patients operated palliatively was 17,2% in 1995, 17,4% in 2000 and 22,1% in 2005. Postoperative mortality rate is high compared to other western studies. With a new perioperative care protocols, atraumatic surgical technique and multimodal rehabilitation it is possible to reduce postoperative mortality rate. It should be emphasized that accelerated recovery programs (Fast Track) after colorectal surgery are based on the concept of multimodal rehabilitation and enhanced recovery after surgical procedures. The main goal is to reduce surgical stress, hospital stay and accelerate recovery. With a new concept (Fast Tract) it is possible to reduce hospital stay and accelerate recovery after colorectal surgery. Patients are discharged once they are able to drink and eat solid food, they have passed either flatus or stool and they are completely mobile. This concept includes every part of perioperative periode and represents a multimodal strategy of recovery.