Avtor/Urednik     Peterlin, Primož; Svetina, Saša; Žekš, Boštjan
Naslov     The prolate-to-oblate shape transition of phospholipid vesicles in response to frequency variation of an AC electric field can be explained by the dielectric anisotropy of a phospholipid bilayer
Tip     članek
Vir     J Phys-Condens Mat
Vol. in št.     Letnik 19, št. 13
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 1-17
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     An external electric field deforms flaccid phospholipid vesicles into spheroidal bodies, with the rotational axis aligned with its direction. Deformation is frequency dependent: in the low-frequency range (1 kHz), the deformation is typically prolate, while increasing the frequency to the 10 kHz range changes the deformation to oblate. We attempt to explain this behaviour with a theoretical model, based nn the minimization of the total free energy of the vesicle. The energy terms taken into account include the membrane bending energy and the energy of the electric field. The latter is calculated from the electric field via the Maxwell stress tensor, where the membrane is modelled as anisotropic lossy dielectric. Vesicle deformation in response to varying frequency is calculated numerically. Using a series expansion, we also derive a simplified expression for the deformation, which retains the frequency dependence of the exact expression and may provide a better substitute for the series expansion used by Winterhalter and Helfrich, which was found to be valid only in the limit of low frequencies. "fhe model with anisotropic membrane permittivity imposes two constraints on the values of material constants: the tangential component of the dielectric perrnittivity tensor of the phospholipid membrane must exceed its radial component by approximately a factor of 3; and the membrane conductivity has to be relatively high, approximately one tenth of the conductivity of the external aqueous medium.
Deskriptorji     BIOPHYSICS